Looking for Plumber to fix the leakage of main water pipe

Dear All,

I am wonder if anyone can introduce a plumber to fix the leakage of main water pipe with low budget?

I saw some of the houses are installed external pipe instead consealed.


Kindly advise.


From PH 2/4

yeak's picture

Try ask my neighbor, 2 PH2/3. Her house was having problem with water pipes. Before she move in her water bill already close to RM50 per month even though nothing was turned on in the house. The meter just counting on... then she got a plumber to "rewire" the water pipes. She abandon existing conceal pipes as there is no way for her to trace the leak. She is fine with exposed one, though not very happy with it...

May be her plumber is not good. If anyone can have good plumber, who use some sort of equipment to trace the leak, may be can introduce to my neighbor too.