This web site is for the residents of Taman Puchong Hartamas. It is managed by Persatuan Penduduk Taman Puchong Hartamas, Fasa 1, or in English, Puchong Hartamas Residents Association (PHRA).
What is Puchong Hartamas
Puchong Hartamas is a residential area property developed by FiveStar Development (Puchong) Sdn Bhd in year 2002. There are two separate developments under Puchong Hartamas: Fasa 1 and Kim Crest.
The Fasa 1 is built around year 2002 and house buyers received Certificate of Fitness (CF) in year 2004. The Kim Crest was built in later stage, perhaps in year 2004 onward.
The Fasa 1 is also known as Taman Puchong Hartamas.
It is easier to just say within the Puchong Hartamas, we have Taman Puchong Hartamas and Kim Crest.
- Taman Puchong Hartamas = (Taman) Puchong Hartamas, Fasa 1
- Kim Crest = Kim Crest
The History of Puchong Hartamas Residents Association
When FiveStart Development (Puchong) Sdn Bhd, or shortname FDSB, developed this area, they gave house buyers two documents to sign before purchasing the property. One is the standard Sales and Purchase Agreement (S&P) and another one is Supplement Agreement (SA).
The SA basically covers the Gated Community, the security management and facilities come with it. The critical points stated in the SA are:
- There is wall surround the residential area.
- There is a single entry and exit point with a guard house.
- Each household pay RM50 a month for Security Management Service.
- Excess fees from operating Security Management Service become sinking fund.
- Handover the Security Management Services to Resident Management Committee after 18 months of vacant possesion.
Since the handover is part of the scope, a few of our pioneers started Persatuan Penduduk Taman Puchong Hartamas, Fasa 1 in 2006. This is to fulfill the Resident Management Committee requirement of the SA. The objective is obviously to takeover the management of the security services from the FDSB.
The ROS approved the PHRA in June 2007.
Timeline of PHRA
2006 - Pro-Team setup to get ready for taking over the Security Management Services.
Chairman: Andrew Siva (declined). Mr. Lim Hock Lai took over
Secretary: Andrew Wan
June 2007 - Persatuan Penduduk Taman Puchong Hartamas, Fasa 1, officially registered. Unofficial english name used is "Puchong Hartamas Residents Association (PHRA)".
The Pro-Team Committee started work to get residents to sign up as PHRA members. The pro-team get FDSB to widen the Jalan Bakawali.
October 2007 - 1st PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: Charles Vander Slott
Secretary: Andrew Wan
The FDSB tried to handover the Security Management Services to PHRA but unsuccessful because there were issues remaining: hazardous guard house location, missing intercomm system (changed to PABX), missing smart home system (affecting some residents), and others.
March 2008 - 2nd PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: Charles Vander Slott
Secretary: Yap Boon Huan
Charles had been aggressive in handling issues with FDSB to move the guard house to a safer place, demanding FDSB for undeliverable such as intercom system, smart home system and going to press to pressure the developer; until he was sued by FDSB with defamation lawsuit in July 2008. Vice Chairman Mr. Yap Soo Huan took over to continue running the PHRA.
March 2009 - 3rd PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: Cheah Keat Swee
Secretary: Yap Boon Huan
Mr. Cheah narrow down all issues to just two major ones: guard house legality and accountings.
While dealing with the issues, Mr. Cheah realized that there isn't any legal guard house under residential housing scheme and MPSJ had never issued one.
Couple with the legal battle between Charles and FDSB (also involving MPSJ) over the guard house, it is best to leave the issue to the court or authorities.
15 October 2009 - FDSB make the final decision to drop the Security Management Services whether the residents like it or not.
The implication is major because there will be no guards for Taman Puchong Hartamas and possibility of demolition of guard house and the wall.
The PHRA Committees were split between old and new team. The old team insists that it was all FDSB's fault who created the misery for the residents who only want a peaceful and safe home. The new team, mostly young people, think that the matters can be resolved by engaging all parties involved and do accordingly to SA.
31 October 2009 - A Resident Referadum to seek mandate to decide on going-forward:
A. Takeover properly from FDSB as per SA,
B. Start over from scratch,
C. Forget the idea of being gated community.
Mandate: 96% of those attend (150 residents) voted "A" to takeover properly.
1 November 2009 - PHRA officially took over the Security Management Services
The security service resumed and guards continue to guard the area. FDSB agreed to handover all accounts information, card access records, PABX information and legally drafted handover document to PHRA.
The Committee had some sessions in the playground to collect outstandings, issuing new car sticker for 2010, renew PHRA membership.
28 March 2010 - 4th PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: N. Ramesh
Secretary: Apryl Loo
Under new leadership, the PHRA created sub-committees to handle matters around Taman.
- Security sub-committee: handle issues related to security, guards and dealing with security service company.
- Landscape sub-committee: look into beautifying the Taman especially the playground and make this place clean and tidy.
- Social sub-committee: create social and community activities for all.
- Accounts sub-committee: fees collections, membership renewal and monetary matters.
16 April 2010 - Guard house demolition order by Land Office.
Charles went to Public Complaint Bureau to complain the inaction of MPSJ, Land Office, and Road Transport departments on the matter of illegal guard house. Land Office took the initiative to issue the demolition order.
The Committee engaged District Officer and managed to hold the demolition order until a new guard house is built and moved over properly.
25 June 2010 - PHRA De-registered.
A complainant (or complainants) with insider information of PHRA went to ROS to report against PHRA. The ROS interviewed office bearers of 2010 and took some documents.
Subsequently ROS issued a de-registration notice with the reasons:
- Intentionally contravene Fasal 5(1) and 5(2) because members failed to pay the membership fees.
- Intentionally contravene Fasal 7(1) because members who had lost/expired their membership had attended and voted in the AGM of 7 March 2009.
The root of the problem was due to non-renewal of membership in 2008.
The Committees appeal to ROS and Minister on the de-registration and still waiting for the result.
26 September 2010 - Resident Gathering to collect Emergency Security Fund to continue the security services.
Due to the de-registration, the PHRA could not issue cheque to pay for the security services and guards were leaving. A gathering was initiated by concerned residents to collect Emergency Security Fund to continue paying the security services while waiting for the appeal.
07 October 2010 - The Minister of Home Affairs has reversed the decision of the Registrar of Societies to cancel the registration of the PHRA. PHRA is now alive and legal.
27 March 2010 - 5th PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: Yeak Nai Siew
Secretary: Cheah Keat Swee
The monthly security fees is increased from RM50 to RM80 starting 1st April 2011.
26 February 2012 - 6th PHRA AGM held in the playground.
Chairman: Stella Ng
Secretary: Cheong Mei Mei
The monthly security fees is revised to RM60 and back dated to 1st April 2011. This mean effectively fees never increase to RM80.
20 June 2012 - Guardhouse demolished by MPSJ.
MPSJ carried out the demolition of guardhouse despite existing efforts between MPSJ and Developer to open new Access Road and new Guardhouse. No prior notice was given.
22 June 2012 - Dialogue with YB Teresa Kok on guardhouse demolition.
YB Teresa Kok visited the grieving residents and explained that MPSJ only demolish guardhouse if there is complainant among the residents. YB said this complainant has been pushing the authorities until to the Selangor State Government.
- Secretary files from Pro-Team to current.
- E-Group:
- E-Group:
- Official Web Sites:
- TheStar:
- TheStar:
- Demolition order:
- PHRA De-registered:
- Resident Gathering on emergency fund:
- PHRA is back!:
- Increase of security fees:
- Dialogue with YB Teresa Kok: