yeak's picture

Gated community, or not?

Is God with us? I think so. Suddenly all this gated community thing is everywhere. See this article from Malayaiskini.

Gated community, or not?
Sim Kwang Yang
Oct 29, 09

I moved into a brand new housing estate at the top of a hill in Cheras more than five years ago, and have seen how the area develops into a very pleasant neighbourhood, with shops, an Econsave, a pasar malam on Sunday, and even a wet market in the morning every day.

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tigermania's picture

Gated or Guarded Communities. News articles in the Star yesterday

I am upset when I read articles like these (the Star yesterday) and see communities trying to do something about their own security but are facing opposition. Nothing wrong with wanting to feel safe. Then I look at ourselves the Puchong Hartamas community, and I see we already have a perimeter wall and a guard house (albeit ill-located). Yet, some of us refuse to take security into our own hands and continue to whine about being cheated. Two wrongs do not make one right and cutting our nose to spite our face is not the way forward.

Please read:

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yeak's picture

Latest development on Puchong Hartamas, with attachments

Here is the latest development of Puchong Hartamas prepared by PHRA. One file is BIG, meant for printout. One is compressed for quick viewing online. Both are the same. You can right click the big file and save it to hard disk. It takes a while to download.

We will be calling for all to meet at playground. Announcement come later. Stay tuned.

Updates (22/10):
The content of the file prepared by Chairman is quite technical. Therefore an executive summary had been prepared and attached herein. You also find this executive summary in your mailbox.

The PHRA Committees have not decided when to meet all residents yet. The committees itself will meet this Sunday to iron out the issue pertaining to choices we have. Taking over the Security Management is imminent as it is already spelled out in the Supplement Agreement. We must think of how to receive it. We must get ourselves ready to manage it too. Stay tuned.

Update (23/10):
Our outgoing Chairman Mr Cheah would like you be informed on his resignation reason. See this email exchange from the e-group.

From: [email protected] On Behalf Of Cheahs
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 8:22 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [puchong_hartamas] Re: Committee Meeting: Updates on recent activities

Dear Seet,

What I so-called “agreed (with FDSB) in his almost personal capacity” has been ratified by the PHRA in proper meeting by proper resolutions. The decisions can be reversed at any time by the same procedures.

A copy of my resignation letter is held by Mr Ramesh who is more than capable of leading the PHRA through what was discussed with FDSB. As a responsible ex-Chairman I have made sure I am not indispensible and did not keep things to myself. Also, I have been totally transparent and all facts/documents are there for you guys to see.

There are residents (and also in PHRA) who do not like my so-called hard line style and feel a Chairman should kiss their asses. These people also think that FDSB should also kiss their asses and they do not want to engage FDSB is a proper hand over. Some of the older ones prefer to go to the media and the courts to fight what I personally think are shadows. Maybe in their twilight years they feel a need to seek immortality by having their names and faces in the mass media.

I quit at this juncture because I do not want it seen that my proposed way forward is a personal crusade. I have removed me from the equation. If the PHRA/residents decide to go the same way, then good for the residents. If it decides to fight FDSB then I personally do not want to be part of it. You guys go make an objective decision and better make it soon.

I assume a gathering of all residents is planned. As ex-Chairman and ordinary resident I will still attend to answer whatever questions by other residents that need answering.


From: [email protected] On Behalf Of skseet19
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 6:31 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [puchong_hartamas] Re: Committee Meeting: Updates on recent activities

Hi Yeak

Has the Chairman tendered his resignation???

In the PHRA Chairman's Personal Message posted by you at , he mentioned "I also take this opportunity to tender my resignation as PHRA Chairman with effect from the date the PHRA can take over security management from FDSB. I believe it should be 31st October 2009." Isn't this is very clear he is still the Chairman? His resignation is a conditional one and so long the condition is not fulfilled, the resignation is not official.

By the way I should think a responsible Chairman should carry out what he has planned and what he has agreed with FDSB. One should not simply agreed to what he is not going to follow up and leave what he has agreed in his almost personal capacity "note the lack of support of the residents" to the PHRA and all the residents of Puchong Hartamas.

S K Seet

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yeak's picture

How I know Raymond Tan

Many times our Chairman has mentioned that I know Raymond Tan, the boss of developer who built our Puchong Hartamas. But frankly, I only met him once many years ago. The second time I met him was two days ago, and I almost could not recognize him.

The first time I met Raymond was because of a mutual friend who sold a computer to him. I was helping Raymond on how to use it. We exchanged contact since he might need to get my help again in term of computer usage.

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yeak's picture

We have come a long way...

Recently I have been trying to catch up with what happen to our community by involving myself deeper into the recent development. It has been a fruitful experience and I hope this experience can be useful to you if you are first comer like me.

I joined the Puchong Hartamas Residents Association (PHRA) as Assistant Secretary this year hopefully to use this opportunity to get something to update the web site. It is a volunteer work.

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Kim Crest Puchong Hartamas

Anyone knows what will the developer do with the empty land inside Kim Crest?
It is in front of Kim3 and Kim1. From guard house turn right. Seems like last time developer try to build 10 more Kim3 type. But suddenly the construction stop and now grass was growing up. I think 10 more houses there will pack the area and construction will cause the existing houses got issues.

Just wonder, isn't it better to have a playground there or small park for evening walk?

yeak's picture

How a marriage works


All men should read this!!!

A newlywed couple had only been married for two weeks. The husband, although very much in love, couldn't wait to go out on the town and party with his old buddies.

So, he said to his new wife, 'Honey, I'll be right back.'

'Where are you going, honey bunch?' asked the wife.

'I'm going to the bar, pretty face. I'm going to have a beer.'

The wife said, 'You want a beer, my love?'

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Resurfacing of Roads in Subang Jaya



Salam sejahtera dan dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di aatas.

1. Untuk makluman tuan/puan, pihak Majlis telah menerima geran MARRIS bagi tahun 2009 untuk kerja-kerja pembaikan jalan. Sehubangan itu, pihak Majlis memohon kerjasama tuan/puan ukntuk mengemukakan kepada Bahagian Jalan, Jabatan Kejuruteraan, senarai nama-nama jalan yang perlu diturap semula. Pihak tuan/puan boleh menyenaraikan 2 kawasan cadangan.

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