Paying Security Fees and Collecting Car Stickers

yeak's picture

PHRA Banner.png
Pay up security fees
Sign up and renewing PHRA membership

Your PHRA is setting up booth in playground to collect security fees and distribute car stickers. All residents must take this opportunity to come forward and meet the committee members to get the accounts updated, including the PHRA membership.

The PHRA have sent out a notice to all residents on this event. If you didn't receive this notice, please find the attachments below.

The booth setup is working very well. The response is overwhelming! Many residents are coming out to pay up their outstanding with developer and new security fees to PHRA. They also renew the PHRA membership and sign up if they are not yet a member. We are compiling the info and making them available online whenever it is done.

There is one more weekend on 19 and 20 Dec 2009 for residents to come out to meet with the committee members. Please, take this opportunity to come out, get things done, and clarify all remaining questions you may still have. Your committee members are sacrificing their weekend family time for you just to make sure we are in control of our own security, environment and lifestyle.

Every resident will have two red car stickers. Extra yellow sticker for your regular visitors can be purchased at only RM10 per car per year. When we start implementing (very soon) the system, those without car stickers will need to register themselves at guard house before entering Taman Puchong Hartamas, for obvious security reason. Thus, please come to collect your car stickers.

There are more works to be done. We are quite short handed at this moment, only six working committee members, two volunteers. We hope some of you will step forward to join us. It is a small sacrifice to make for the community!

Please come... to playground on Sat and Sun, 19 - 20 Dec 2009, from 10am to 5pm.

See you all there.

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