As you have now aware, our Guardhouse has been demolished by MPSJ today. They came without notice, at noon, so many of you are not at home.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Tonight 9pm please come to playground for urgent meeting with all of us who were at the site. We will explain what happened.
We will post the event later and also the outcome of the meeting.
Thank you.
** Update of meeting at 9pm **
Many residents turned out at playground to listen to Chairman Stella's update on the guardhouse. Stella promised the crowd she will meet the local authority for explanation. She also explained that the demolition was carried out by MPSJ without prior notice to PHRA.
MPSJ YDP, Dato Asmawi revealed in the phone call afternoon that the decision to demolish is because the time has lapsed for PHRA to apply TOL at the new site. He claimed that he was instructed by SUK Selangor to act immediately.
However that action did not help the people. It only show MPSJ is careless and act unprofessionally. MPSJ should act based on the majority's opinion, which is to keep the existing guardhouse for the Taman Puchong Hartamas. Most residents do not mind an inconvenience guardhouse for time being while waiting for a new one.
In fact MPSJ has earlier agreed that a new one to be build and once completed, the old one can be demolish. Changing the flow will have repercusion effect.
Moving forward the PHRA must quickly finsih the process to apply TOL and get the Developer to finalize the access road plan.